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RSS Channel: Comments on: 15 Awesome Gmail Tips and Tricks
Guides, HowTos and Tips for Technology Geeks

By: Dr John C Bullas
Is there a way to extract a csv or other list formatted output of where/when you send an email? I am looking to compile a list of emails sent by the job I was working on and I could really use a list like this! Thanks Dr B

By: Anonymous
Please help I have just changed to gmail. One of the best things for me - IS saving drafts! as I am old an constantly have to edit. Too often when I am doing this the whole message gets deleted and I've had to start again. I was delighted to find when I did it last time - my started email was in my drafts - so not lost at all. I was playing around with the buttons and disabled drafts in error, now I can't find button to turn it on again, I've looked in setting but can't see it, Can anyone help? Thanks a lot Alice

By: Kathy
Is there a way to mark an email as a "bring up" to review later?

By: Susan
I don't want ALL 5 gmail accounts access in want 3 yes on one acct and 2 others not accessible by anyone from the other 3 emails Basically it says remove? I don't want all 5 to show up on the account. Separate have to log out of one to get in others

By: Me
Why is it so difficult to upload photos from a phone to Gmail? Suppose you have 50 photos. To upload them to your email, you have to attach t hem and each time you want to attach one, you have to press Select File. It goes to your most obscure oldest photos in the downloads file. You have to press about six things to make it go into the phone memory. It selects only one picture. Then to upload the next, you have to go through the whole rigmarole again, The Select button always returns to the oldest downloads folder, never to the images on your phone. So to select ten pictures you have t go through the whole rigmarole ten times. Then you press done and it is supposed to upload the pictures but often it doesn't! It fails and you have to start all over again,. It can take hours to upload your holiday pictures. This is ridiculous.

By: Keith
I require to download a brochure and then select a page from that brochure to onward email by an attachment? 1). I cannot see when I select download where there is an option to put it in store? 2). Am using Windows 7. 3). Am a 79 year old pensioner still getting to grips with computer usage!!

By: Gunvantbhai shah
Enable All email column active to show all emails in Gmail application & anything else which is not useful to me.

By: Gunvantbhai shah
I am only interested in knowing that I want to get All emails column to be activated in Gmail account

By: Dawn
I lost all my messages in my saved folder and can not find them can oyu help me please?????

By: Sonu Bohra
From a saved draft in yahoo mail, by mistake I have deleted/removed an pdf attachment. I don't have any saved copy of it. How can I restore the removed attachment ?