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Book Review

If you are working on UNIX / Linux environment, you should become comfortable in the Vim editor. If you think the Vim editor is not user friendly, or intuitive to learn quickly and become an expert — you are not alone. This book contains 101 practical examples that will help both newbies and intermediate Vim [...]


This is an essential book for both developers and sysadmins who write Perl code to get their job done. Perl is very powerful language and there are several ways you can code in Perl to get the same results. If you are not careful, you may end-up writing Perl code that is very hard to [...]

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Regular expression is always a tricky subject for programmers and sysadmins. When you are dealing with lot of text handling, understanding how to use Reg-ex effectively is essential. It is hard to remember the syntax of reg-ex on top of your head all the times. Regular Expressions Cookbook is written by the Reg-Ex Jedi Master [...]


Photo courtesy of hortongrou I have developed the habit of reading at least 30 minutes everyday before going to bed. I always have a technical and a non-technical book in my reading queue. I read lot of infrastructure related books — sysadmin, DBA, networking and storage. I also enjoy reading biography of famous people, personal [...]